My webdemos

Minesweeper (Source and instructions on GitHub)
A hex based minesweeper. Controls are the same as in Windows minesweeper.
Balls (GitHub)
WebGL demo, requires a supporting browser. Fly around in space with different geometrical objects. Move with WASD and mouse (press space to enable mouse), see full listing of controls at GitHub.
Mandelbrot (GitHub)
Another WebGL-demo for Mandelbrot fractal visualization. Use dragging for panning and mousewheel for zooming. Note: This is quite resource heavy, be warned.
Starfield (GitHub)
Traditional Starfield demo. Use '+' and '-' to adjust the flying speed.
Matlas (GitHub)
Draw the shortest flying path on earth from A to B. Note: shortest path is not necessarily straight on the projected map...
Galaxy (GitHub)
An orbital mechanics simulation. Mouse to pan and zoom, numbers to fix the camera on a body, 'R' for reset, 'T' for trails.
Raytracer (GitHub)
A simple JS raytracer.
Entropy (GitHub)
Balls bouncing in two boxes. As time goes on, the balls distribute uniformly over the whole space - entropy!
Perceptron (GitHub)
A visualization of a classical classifier, the perceptron. Non-linear decision surfaces achieved with a gaussian kernel.

Note: These have been developed and tested with Firefox. No guarantees about them functioning on other platforms is given.

Who is this?

My name is Sampsa Lappalainen. I'm a finnish guy who likes programming. You can contact me at